Continued from part 3: Claustrophobic Environment can take a Toll on the Health of an Employee When I analyzed the situation, I faced in my workplace I came up with these few points:- 1. Change the age-old practice of Restriction The observation:- The age-old practice of keeping employees engaged in one particular domain of work for a long time creates a feeling of dissatisfaction and frustration among the workers. In this situation, if a newcomer comes and asks for more, the seniors get concerned. The management tries not to offend the seniors by giving the new employee the required exposure that would enhance his/her skills. The solution:- Companies should arrange for new pieces of training at regular intervals to keep the employees engaged, up-to-date, and interested in their work. When seniors get to know new things they will invariably allow their juniors to do the same. This type of culture is seldom nurtured here.