About the Blog

Exposant is a French word that means Exposing or Exhibiting in the English language. As it means and the name of the blog suggests, it is a writer-driven platform with one foremost focus area: to produce original thoughts and feelings in terms of life in society and experiences in the corporate world to the public.

Here you can share your thoughts, feelings, and opinion regarding several circumstances, experiences, and general subject matters related to leadership, corporate culture, resource management, office bullying, and all types of good and bad practices in the world.

Exposant.co.in is envisioned to inculcate a sense of engagement by a community made of working professionals passionate to influence the world. It must be clear in the minds of writers that this platform is not a journalistic platform that is state-centric, nor is it a propaganda platform with an aim of propagating an ideology to capture power. 

There may be different ways of categorizing matters of life. Towards the same, the articles that the platform publishes are categorized as Corporate Culture, Leadership, Office Bullying, Resource Management, and Social Issues.


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