COVID-19 - A clear warning that today's civilization is 'playing with fire'

Corona Virus outbreak in 2019-2020 has brought the whole world economy into a standstill. People all over the world are now busy trying to survive under a locked down situation with limited ration. They are hoping for the corona virus pandemic to end so that they can go back to their normal life again even after a heavy loss of human lives in various countries.

But are we not forgetting something? Don't we need to consider the fact that this outbreak of a contagious disease is nothing but a warning by Mother Nature to the humans?

Mother Nature has been sending us messages after messages with the ongoing climate crisis and widespread pandemics of viral disease outbreaks that humanity was placing too many pressures on the natural world with damaging consequences.

Over the last few decades it has been noticed that human infectious disease outbreaks are rising. Scientists are relating this phenomenon to the transmission of transmittable diseases from animals to humans that lead to epidemics and huge number of deaths. In recent years there have been Ebola, bird flu, Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers), Rift Valley fever, severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), West Nile virus and Zika virus ourbreaks - all cross from animals to humans.

But how do these transmissions of diseases happen? Read the blog here.


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